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Deepak Kukrety’s Avatar

Deepak Kukrety

Software engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
2 Answers
3044 Reads
2 Karma

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Paridhi’s Avatar
Paridhi Jul 20, 2020 1011 views

I am looking to develop a basic mentoring and tutoring app that can match volunteers to students. Any advice on this & programs/algorithms to use for this?

#evelopment #software-development #software-industry #developer #software-development #coding #code #app #appdevelopment #app-development #programming #computer-software #algorithms #codinglanguage #language

yashvi’s Avatar
yashvi Jan 08, 2020 2337 views

What is different between software engineering and information technology?

#technology #engineering #it #software