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Ariev Diamond’s Avatar

Ariev Diamond

Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
3 Answers
2253 Reads
2 Karma

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Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 20, 2018 983 views

Where or how do you start looking for jobs once you've gotten your degree?

I want to be a Dietician and personal trainer, but I always get scared when I think about what should I do after I graduate? Should I got to hospitals? I'm really confused on that part. Could you give us some tips on where to start looking? #life-after-college

Gina’s Avatar
Gina Apr 25, 2019 631 views

What courses should I apply to that have to do about the environment in community colleges while I am in high school?

I want to go in something to do with environmental friendly work field. #eco-friendly #nature