Malia’s Career Goals
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What's your favorite part of being a veterinarian?
I want to have a good idea of what the best experiences of the job will be.
#veterinary #veterinarian

Do you regret becoming a vet?
I don't want to waste my time starting to become a vet just to regret trying to become one.
#veterinary-technician #veterinary-medicine #veterinarian #animals

Have you ever refused to work with a animal?
I want to help, and work with all kinds of animals but I am worried about the amount of time it may take me, I also worry that there will be an animal that I trouuble to work with.
#working #veterinary

Would you genuinely suggest being a veterinarian?
I am 14 my name is Malia. I want to own a variety of pets, and I think it would be helpful if I knew how to actually take care of my pets, of course with someone to be there for them when I can't.
#veterinarian #veterinary #career