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Jordan Thomas’s Avatar

Jordan Thomas

Student at Cal State San Bernardino, Musician, Dancer, Poet, Author, Photographer, Blogging, Social Media Marketing
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Highland, California
3 Answers
52246 Reads
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Lamarre’s Avatar
Lamarre Oct 28, 2014 2922 views

What is the most interesting career in psychology?

I'm a senior in high school. I've considered pursuing a major in Psychology, but am still unsure if I should continue with this major. #psychology #sociology #social-psychology #masters-in-pyschology

Yaminah’s Avatar
Yaminah Feb 18, 2015 3576 views

Besides a psychologist, what other career options are there for someone interested in social sciences like psychology, anthropology, sociology, etc.?

I'm a junior who's leaning towards going to college to major in a social science like psychology. However, I don't know what other career options there are for those interested in those types of sciences. #psychology #careers #sociology #anthropology #social-science

Jared Chung’s Avatar
Jared Sep 27, 2011 45042 views

What should I major in if I want to become an investment banker?

Many students want to become investment bankers. What is the most common degree that investment bankers usually have, and is that the best degree to get if I am sure I want to be an investment banker?