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Elyria, Ohio
4 Questions
123 Karma

Alec’s Career Goals

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Alec Oct 26, 2020 938 views

If you don't have a career path set in stone yet what is the safest college education that can be used the most in getting a job?

#career-paths #career-path #job-market #career-choice #jobs

Alec’s Avatar
Alec Oct 26, 2020 872 views

What is the best route to becoming a fire fighter?

I like the idea of becoming a fire fighter and helping people and ping them safe. What is the best route to getting a fire fighter job as well and keeping that job? #firefighting #worker

Alec’s Avatar
Alec Oct 26, 2020 802 views

Is college the best route for an Air Traffic Controller?

I like the idea of controlling the local air space and giving out help to other pilots to keep everybody safe. #help #planes #airtrafficcontrol

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Alec Oct 26, 2020 656 views

Do business owners work seven days a week?

HI, I'm Alec and I don't know what career I want to be later in life and I need some help with a few possible careers that I could be involved in for the rest of my working life. #life #career #medicine