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A G’s Avatar


Vice President in Financial Services Industry
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
New York, New York
3 Answers
4474 Reads
11 Karma

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kevin’s Avatar
kevin Apr 06, 2016 1526 views

How does a venture capitalist company originate? Is a large amount of money required to begin a venture capitalist company?

My name is Kevin and I am a sophomore in Boston. I have interest in this profession and I am curious about how to get involved. #investing #venture-capital

Aljed’s Avatar
Aljed Mar 14, 2016 1413 views

How do you get clients in investing?

Whose job is it to get clients? How hard of a job is that? Also, I'm not sure if they're called clients, or what you would call them. Sorry if I'm not using the right terms for this. I just mean customers. #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Ian’s Avatar
Ian Mar 15, 2016 1518 views

What is the responsibilty of a tax manager at an investment management company?

I recently heard of this job title, and I'm thinking about pursuing an accounting degree in college. Can you help me understand what your job is like? What do you do? Are you an accountant? #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing #tax