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Fab S.’s Avatar

Fab S.

Healthcare Consultant
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Boston, Massachusetts
3 Answers
4200 Reads
2 Karma

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Jay’s Avatar
Jay Jun 14, 2021 1502 views

MPH or MSOT? I have been struggling with deciding if I should pursue a MPH or a masters of science in Occupational Therapy?

I am very indecisive, especially when it comes to choose a career and one that pays well. I was leaning towards a MPH however Occupational Therapy has been in my head lately also because I feel as I am going to be " licensed" or " qualified" and I will always find a job easily, compared to a...

Ellie’s Avatar
Ellie Oct 13, 2020 1267 views

What are some career options in Public Health and what does it involve?

I am soon to be graduating with a Biology degree, but am really unsure about what I want to do with it. I do not particularly want to go into lab science, and definitely want to go to grad school after college. Entering a master’s program for public health is definitely something that I am...

Aleksandra’s Avatar
Aleksandra Nov 10, 2020 1591 views

What careers require an MPH?

I am considering pursuing an MPH in the future, but I don't know anyone who uses it in their career. What makes an MPH degree unique?
#mph #publichealth #public-health #health #healthcare #stem #GivingisCaring