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Rem Villaflor’s Avatar

Rem Villaflor

Office and Administrative Support Occupations
3 Answers
3567 Reads
2 Karma

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juls’s Avatar
juls Apr 27, 2022 2163 views

How do I get an internship online in the Philippines?

I'm a grade 10 student and i really want to have experience on interning or maybe just volunteering. It doesn't matter if it's paid or not.

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Nov 18, 2020 903 views

What is it like to be a politics or government major?

I am looking at being some type of lawyer. This is often the most related major a lot of colleges have. I’m curious to know the kinds of classes and assignments people with this major typically have. #GivingisCaring #college #university #major #government #lawyer #college-major #choosing-a-major

Adama delard’s Avatar
Adama delard Nov 19, 2020 591 views

What is the profile of a humanitarian in order to be recruited

I am passionate about a humanitarian mission or creating an NGO. #GivingisCaring