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Sydney’s Avatar


Austin, Texas
3 Questions
123 Karma

Sydney’s Career Goals

I want to be a Intellectual Property lawyer or a immigration lawyer. The most successful lawyers are those who set goals and doggedly work at them. We’re not talking about lawyer goals such as “go to law school” or “become an attorney.” Those don’t qualify as goals. Instead, they are steps you take to reach your bigger life goals.


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Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Nov 29, 2020 5513 views

How much is Harvard's tuition per semester

I want to get in Harvard, but curious of the tuition per semester #law-enforcement #career-options

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Nov 29, 2020 858 views

Is getting into Harvard hard

I'm in 12th grade and want to know before I enter Harvard law school #law #university

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Nov 29, 2020 932 views

How long is law school

I want to be able to have the the power to make a difference through law and Ability to help others. #law-school #law