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Locust Grove, Georgia
3 Questions
192 Karma

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Aiden Jan 22, 2021 1036 views

What is the best way to get an internship?

I understand internships often lead to great careers. However, I also understand landing an internship isn't the easiest thing in the world. How should I 'stand out' as a student looking for an internship, compared to other students (or even graduates) looking for an internship? #Intern #Career...

Aiden’s Avatar
Aiden Jan 22, 2021 1056 views

What is the best advice you can give somebody to help them pick 1 career out of 3-4 choices?

As someone who is interested in sports analysis, physical therapy, and sports broadcasting, I'm not set on one of these careers. How should I narrow it down to my best option?
#Career #Sports #PT

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Aiden Jan 22, 2021 641 views

I am a senior graduating this May, and I'm wondering what degree I should pursue if I want to be a sports broadcaster. What degree(s) did you obtain?

As someone who has been involved in sports my entire life, sports broadcasting seems like an intriguing career for me. I believe I understand sports extremely well and I even do my own analysis of some games. In addition, I have a 4.14 GPA and I am curious as to what steps to take after high...