Shan’s Career Goals
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Interview Tips and Advice and Questions
What are some common interview questions that private universities tend to ask their applicants when trying to decide for admission or scholarship purposes? What questions do you remember being asked? Or think they will ask? Any tips and advice, for a student who is undergoing the interview...

Any College Advice?
What is some college advice that every incoming freshman should know, in regards to classes, career choices, volunteering, internships, roommates, etc. #college #collegeadvice

Those with a Cognitive Science degree, what is your career now?
I am slightly interested in Cognitive Science, however, I am not to sure about the job opening s for those with Cognitive Science degrees? Like what do you do now after graduating and getting you BA/BS in Cognitive Science? #career-development #career #STEM #stem #cognitive-science #cog-sci

I am somewhat interested in STEM, but I don't really know what specifically I wanna do?
I am a bit interested in engineering, possibly heading down the medical route, cog sci, I'm not really sure #tech #women-in-stem #stem #tech #stemcareers #medical #cognitive-science #engineering #medicalschool