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Russell Strife’s Avatar

Russell Strife

Network Assurance Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Carthage, New York
3 Answers
1938 Reads
1 Karma

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Jaylen’s Avatar
Jaylen Jan 22, 2021 762 views

Would you recommend people to go into college or pursue something else in life?

School ain’t really for me so is there something else that’s equally as good to get into? #school

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Feb 09, 2021 460 views

For Carpenters out there, is it very dangerous working with a large assortment of tools?

I know with learning, tools when used properly are safe to use. There is still the thought of making a terrible mistake that may not end up to good. Is it something you get used to? Or is it something that is always on your mind? #Saftey

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Nov 05, 2020 973 views

how do I narrow down my choices on what I want to do for a career?

I'm a Sophomore in high school, and I like learning how movies are made. But I'm also interested in engineering. I'm unsure on how to decide on which one I actually want for a long term goal. #engineering #movieacting