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Jan-Michael Timonera’s Avatar

Jan-Michael Timonera

Network Planner
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Nutley, New Jersey
4 Answers
3581 Reads
1 Karma

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D’s Avatar
D Feb 01, 2021 697 views

Career options

1. What career options, that are in demand, do I have with subjects : Physics, Maths, Further Maths and Computers science?
2. Which 3 subjects should I finalise out of these 4 for my A-levels that best secure my career with high salary?
#career; #careers;

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Feb 10, 2021 1671 views

Sometimes I feel like when I over prepare for an interview, I end up stumbling over my words. How do I practice but not sound rehearsed or robotic?

Office Hours #3: All About Interviews: The STAR Method with Judy Park This question was posed by a question during one of our most recent "CareerVillage Office Hours" sessions. During Office Hours sessions, we invite students to pose questions related to a specific topic. In this case, the...

DION’s Avatar
DION Mar 28, 2016 1361 views

What is the difference between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics? In addition, what is the difficulty of each one?

I'm a freshmen in college. I'm interested in a second major, which is economics, but I have a basic understanding of each one, and I would like to know from others perspective and knowledge of the material. #professor #economics

m’s Avatar
m May 13, 2016 1449 views

I am weak in social subjects. How can i understand it better in an easy way?

I want to study about social studies, but i can't understand. #education #social #humanities #social-science