Amaiya’s Career Goals
I want to become a household name in the writing industry. I want to be known as one of the world's most iconic, legendary, and creative writers.
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What's something about the writing industry new writers should know?
I'm a Sophmore in high school who is very determined to get into the writing industry with an urban fiction novel I'm working on. I'm the type of person who likes to know everything I can about something before going forward so what are some things that I, as a new writer, should know about the...

What are the best college majors for pursuing a writing career?
I'm a sophmore in highschool who is very passionate about writing! In fact, its the only thing I want to do all day, everyday forever! But as I get closer to graduating and thinking about college, I'm not sure which majors would be best for me to take in order to enhance my writing skills. So...