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Richard Cratem’s Avatar

Richard Cratem

Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Jacksonville, Florida
6 Answers
5374 Reads
11 Karma

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Connor’s Avatar
Connor Feb 26, 2021 935 views

What are some different careers or majors that I could pursue in Physics or engineering?

I really liked my physics class in high-school, and I am interested in engineering as well, but I am not sure how to move forward in that field. Any suggestions? #physics #engineering #majors #career #college-major

Petunie’s Avatar
Petunie Feb 11, 2021 1305 views

Are there good job opportunities right after undergrad?

As of right now, I am interested in majoring in chemical engineering or mathematics in college. #engineering #math #jobs #college

g’s Avatar
g May 16, 2016 852 views

how can i improve maths subject?

I am not good at understanding math.

[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #school #mathematics #math #higher-education

Hakim’s Avatar
Hakim Feb 24, 2021 1573 views

I have an interest in the engineering department but I´m not sure what particular major/career would best suit me. If this applied to you would you help me out?

Junior who is about to submit applications this year. #engineering #major #computerscience

Jayden’s Avatar
Jayden Oct 19, 2015 1299 views

what is the best collage i should go to if i whant to be an arcitect

I would kindly like to know what the best way for me to become an architect. And what collages would be good for that #creative #building

Malachi’s Avatar
Malachi Mar 01, 2021 561 views

Advanced Science Technology

How can a person like me get their hands on advanced technology and parts to build things of those natures? #technology #building