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Nevaeh’s Avatar


Boston, Massachusetts
3 Questions
137 Karma

Nevaeh’s Career Goals

I would like to become a neuro , trauma, or a cardio thoracic surgeon. I also want to run my own clinical trials for mental diseases and disorders.

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Nevaeh’s Avatar
Nevaeh Mar 02, 2021 626 views

What motivated you?

School, studying, and grades are all very stressful things. How did you deal with things that got in your way to success? How to stay focused and motivated on not giving up? #school #education #surgeons #surgeon #medicine #medical-school

Nevaeh’s Avatar
Nevaeh Mar 02, 2021 516 views

What to do in high school to become a surgeon?

What are things to know, learn, and focus on in high school to become a surgeon? #surgeon #high-school

Nevaeh’s Avatar
Nevaeh Mar 02, 2021 876 views

Advice on becoming a surgeon

What are some things you wish you knew before you became a surgeon? Specifically a Neurosurgeon, Cardio thoracic surgeon, or Trauma surgeon what additional courses or classes did you take in college? Do you think they helped you become a surgeon or helped you better understand things in your...