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Richard Bernhart’s Avatar

Richard Bernhart

Network Security Consultant
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
3 Answers
2163 Reads
1 Karma

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Prithvi’s Avatar
Prithvi Mar 05, 2014 2396 views

Does taking a minor in college make you look better to future employers?

I am currently a junior in high school and have recently decided to major in Economics in college, I have heard a lot about minors, but I still want to learn more about them. For example, do you get degree for taking a minor? Do you have a lot more classes if you take a minor? But most...

Arshad’s Avatar
Arshad May 20, 2016 1413 views

Is it a good idea to put some of the modules/subjects taken at college in the resume?

I am a fresh graduate in the midst of finding a suitable job. While searching various positions, I have found that some companies require knowledge in a particular area. For instance if I am applying for an Inspection Engineer position which requires knowledge in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)...

Test’s Avatar
Test Feb 17, 2015 1593 views

When applying to colleges should I submit my resume, even if they do not require or ask for it?

I am a junior in high school currently working on updating my resume to reflect my academic and extracurricular activities/achievements. Since creating a resume is time-consuming, I thought it may be worthwhile to send to colleges so they will have a good idea of who I am as a student....