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Dalton Davis’s Avatar

Dalton Davis

Grad Student
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Duluth, Georgia
4 Answers
2633 Reads
21 Karma

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Keith’s Avatar
Keith Mar 07, 2021 717 views

Navy vets what trades might you learn on a ship?

#Navy #military #Veteran #learning

Grant’s Avatar
Grant Mar 08, 2021 887 views

What are some benefits you can get if you serve in the military?

I want to join the military right after high school #military

Anouk’s Avatar
Anouk Mar 09, 2021 545 views

What is it like to attend college during the pandemic?

I look forward to going to college either after high school or maybe a few later. Although it is in a few years and hopefully things will be much better, I was still wondering how much different it is, if it's that much different at all and what college is like while going through a...

Grant’s Avatar
Grant Mar 09, 2021 566 views

Do all trades usually have the same pay or are some better than others?

I was thinking about going to trade school after the military #trade