Marquis’ Career Goals
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What is the interview like for programming jobs?
I asked another question about programming jobs and some of the answers talked about interviews. What do they do in an interview for programming and what types of questions are asked? Do you have to study for the interviews as if it's a test? Can you take a class to prepare for the interviews?...

Can I get a job at a video game company from high school without going to college?
I heard that video game companies hire people from high school, and you can still be a success. Is that true? What do they do? I don't know how to make games yet, but I would be willing to learn. Also if there are other jobs that I can get from high school that aren't making the games, but are...

How many people do you need to make a video game company?
Are they big companies like hundreds of people or are they really small like just a few people? I think that games like Halo must have lots of people to build them, but what about nintendo or iPhone games? If it's a lot of people, what do they all do? I'm asking because I think video games are...