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Suraj Shirolikar’s Avatar

Suraj Shirolikar

3 Answers
2110 Reads
11 Karma

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Dariehl’s Avatar
Dariehl May 07, 2021 693 views

What are some important information do you have to analyze when checking codes?

#engineering #technology #seeing how to analyze the checking codes of engineering

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Feb 23, 2021 854 views

What Engineering field should I consider learning more about?

I'm in the 11th grade at a high school in Massachusetts. I like to create solutions for problems that has to do with infrastructure. I also like problems that has to do with tech and I am open to many other things. #scientist #tech #create #engineering #stem

Erlen’s Avatar
Erlen Apr 06, 2021 721 views

Is this suitable for me?

I have no experience about online job but I will do my best for my work #first-job