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Jill DeMello’s Avatar

Jill DeMello

Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
5 Answers
7123 Reads
1 Karma

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Joanne’s Avatar
Joanne Apr 14, 2021 741 views

Should you study what you enjoy or do what makes more money?

I'm always thinking about the future and I want to be financially stable but also work on what I enjoy doing. #salary

Neiko’s Avatar
Neiko Apr 15, 2021 874 views

Is there a certain age where you should find your career job?

I was wondering if there is a certain age where we must find a career job. Can you be around 35-40 when you choose to pursue a certain career? #jobs #career #career-choice

Edwin’s Avatar
Edwin Apr 13, 2021 881 views

Does going to certain universities affect your career path?

I don't know which college I want to go to. I am a junior in high school and don't have any college I really want or need to go to.
#high-school #college

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Dec 08, 2020 1947 views

how do i know what job is meant for me

#job #jobs #first-job

Tatiana’s Avatar
Tatiana Feb 24, 2021 756 views

Is studying abroad is good choice for just anyone?

Hello, i'm a junior and I am not sure where I want to go after HS. I am still debating if college should be an option or not, and I would love to travel, see the world, make a difference. Thank you.
#travel #business #art #entrepreneurship #abroad