Jeremiah’s Career Goals
I want to have a career that fulfills me, doesn't feel like a job, and makes me feel content while also making a moderate sum of money along the way!

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How content are you with your current career?
I am currently a senior at high school and was wondering where everybody's head is at with their current career? Are you content? What is your level of fulfillment? Are you satisfied doing what you do for the rest of your life? #careers #career-development #career-choice #career-options #career

How did you know that your job will eventually become your career?
I am currently a senior in high school and often ponder about what career is right for me? How was this experience for you? #career #job #career-choice #career-development #careers

How did you know what your life's purpose was?
I am currently a senior attending Philip & Sala Burton High School and this next step onwards in life is kind of stressing me out. I don't know what to major in and continue to wonder if a desired career field is what I want to pursue. How did you guys feel when you were once in my position?...