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Saif Alremeithi’s Avatar

Saif Alremeithi

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2 Answers
5662 Reads
1 Karma

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Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Sep 30, 2017 7036 views

What is the most fulfilling aspect of your job in the fields of accounting, auditing, consulting, and/or taxing?

People like me often search for jobs that will allow them to make a difference in the world and give their life purpose meaning, and direction. Who knows? Maybe accounting could realize that goal. #accounting #auditor #auditing #accountant #consulting #tax #taxation #consultants

KAMRAN’s Avatar
KAMRAN Oct 30, 2016 936 views

As an accountant just starting off, do you find yourself struggling to find clientele with the software available to aid the process of keeping track of financial accounts? Are you worried that the accounting process will eventually be taken over by tech?

I'd like to pursue a career in accounting. #business #accounting