Mauricio Castillo
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How lucrative it is working in the sports entertainment industry?
I am asking this question because I am trying to find information about different careers that interest me. And I was wondering if anyone can help me figure out how to support myself in society? #sports

What is one of the best ways to combat writers' block?
I want to be an author, but I often find it hard to continue when I'm stuck in a certain part of my story, so I'm wondering what techniques other authors have for combating this issue.
#writing, #creative-writing, #creative-arts, #author, #writersblock

Given that being a writer might mean that one would earn little income, should people still pursue writing as a career?
#writing #author #creative-writing What jobs to land on with a degree in creative writing?

How do I get a living by writing books - should I also have a side job?
I wrote a book and am working on the second in a series. How do authors get a living by writing because I don't really want to become an editor, agent, or anything like that. I just want to write books. Should I also get a side job?
#writing #author #jobs