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Akhil Buch’s Avatar

Akhil Buch

Occupational Health and Safety
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4 Answers
5006 Reads
1 Karma

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jase’s Avatar
jase Apr 16, 2018 1212 views

What kinds of safety precaution mersures do you have when you are operating heavy equimpent?

because I am wondering so I will know what to expect. #heavyequimpent #construction #warehouse #blue-collar #safety

Fabian’s Avatar
Fabian Oct 30, 2020 746 views

What should I major in if I want to become an epidemiologist?

I'm a high school senior and I'm thinking of majoring in microbiology with a minor of statistics; would these be good choices if I want to eventually join the epidemiology field?
#majors #university #epidemiology #biology

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina May 22, 2019 2536 views

What do you like most about your career?


Zaire’s Avatar
Zaire Apr 29, 2021 1436 views

What job should i get if im not sure of my career path?
