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Mohummed Farooqui’s Avatar

Mohummed Farooqui

Professional services
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
6 Answers
5908 Reads
1 Karma

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Zaire’s Avatar
Zaire Apr 29, 2021 1436 views

What job should i get if im not sure of my career path?


Brittany’s Avatar
Brittany Oct 02, 2014 1603 views

Where did the name venture capitalist come from?

I misunderstood the name Venture Capitalist when I first heard it. How did the name for that career come about, and what exactly does it mean? I'd like to know in case it comes up in an interview #finance #venture-capital

Nivea’s Avatar
Nivea Apr 30, 2021 1832 views

How to choose a career after 12th when you have multiple interests?

I have interest in a lot of things like fashion, art, business, literature. Therefore, its been getting difficult to pick a course after 12th. #careers #career-counseling

Aryan’s Avatar
Aryan May 03, 2021 464 views

How can social problem be solved

I am student i read in class 8 iam weak in civic and occupation i thought that this website will help me so iam here . #student i dont work for the benefit i work hard to acheive goals compare to others As a #student i can change my future by hardwork

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan May 03, 2021 666 views

what is business marketing?

I have aspirations to becoming my own boss, owning a lot business. #BUSNIESSMEN

Jose’s Avatar
Jose Apr 29, 2021 1036 views

How do I get a job with out experience?

I am currently searching for a job. To get prepared for when I get my bachelors degree what should I do? #job-search #job #career