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Ashok Srivastava’s Avatar

Ashok Srivastava

SVP, Chief Data Officer
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Mountain View, California
3 Answers
2027 Reads
12 Karma

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Michael’s Avatar
Michael Jun 06, 2021 514 views

Is NYU a good college to go to if you want to become a doctor?

My career goal in life is to become a successful doctor. #doctor #medicine #healthcare

Srishti’s Avatar
Srishti Jun 01, 2021 712 views

Is it better to select an established PI rather than an up and coming PI for my PhD in the US? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

#PhD #gradschool # #science-phd #research #biochemistry

Md’s Avatar
Md Jun 01, 2021 841 views

What are some good companies that would be looking for people going for computer science in college

#college #computerscience