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Shu Zhang’s Avatar

Shu Zhang

Director, Database Engineering
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
California, California
3 Answers
10480 Reads
16 Karma

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abigail’s Avatar
abigail Apr 30, 2016 1456 views

what advantages does a person have in being a neurosurgeon? and how does this career negatively affect their quality of life?

I am a 15 year old student in high school and want to see if being a neurosurgeon is what I want to do. #neuroscience #neurology

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Oct 02, 2014 5345 views

What part of the information technology field would you consider the hardest?

I am currently trying to learn more about IT, however I would love learn more about it as I am always trying to challenge myself. #information-technology

Anina’s Avatar
Anina May 02, 2016 3629 views

What is the best part about being a social worker?

Hi! My name is Anina and I'm a high school senior interning at CareerVillage. I have a fellow classmate who wants to become a social worker. I've heard that it's a "thankless" job. Why would they want to do it? What makes the job worth it? #social-work