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Grundy Center, Iowa
3 Questions
111 Karma

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Kaden’s Avatar
Kaden Sep 17, 2021 623 views

As a lineman would I be 'living' in a bucket all of the time or would I be able to get out sometime and help in other areas?

I am 16 planning to attend Northwest Community College for 1 year to become a lineman #college #lineman #apprentice #apprenticeship

Kaden’s Avatar
Kaden Sep 17, 2021 578 views

If I am an apprentice am I getting paid the same as a year 1 lineman? Would I receive the same benefits as an apprentice?

I am 16 planning to attend Northwest Community College for 1 year to become a lineman #College #Lineman #Apprentice #Apprenticeship

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Kaden Sep 10, 2021 464 views

Should I take gen eds in high school if I am planning on going to lineman school? If so what should I take

I am Interested in being an lineman who works on power lines. I am 16 and I am a hard worker and I am willing to do anything to learn more about a job or an opportunity. #lineman #powerline #linemanschool