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Jeffrey DeMoss’s Avatar

Jeffrey DeMoss

Storage Engineering
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
2 Answers
939 Reads
1 Karma

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Zalika’s Avatar
Zalika Jan 09, 2018 817 views

What is needed to become an Acoustic Engineer?

I'm a Senior in High school and I play many instruments. lately I've been interested in how Acoustics work in any hall or space. I'd like to take a class on this especially in college but i am not sure where to start. Any comments and or tips are greatly appreciated. #Music #Sound-Engineer...

Elly’s Avatar
Elly Jan 10, 2018 835 views

Is it possible to get a BA in music, with a minor in math or physics, and then apply to a graduate program in acoustics?

I am curious because I have been researching the career acoustical engineering, and want to know more about different possibilities to pursue that field. #tags #acoustics #engineering #college #career #mathematics #college-major