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Jessica’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
5 Questions
376 Karma

Jessica’s Career Goals

After finishing my education, I plan to become a Data Scientist at Uber.


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Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Apr 02, 2022 853 views

What would I need to do in order to get a Data Science internship in college?

Are there any technical skills I need to be an expert on? Prior experience?

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Jessica Jan 28, 2022 961 views

How do you deal with impostor syndrome as a Data Scientist?

I heard a lot about those that start working after majoring in data science in college and they feel like they don't being. Some of their coworkers have extensive backgrounds in the field. I was wondering how one would overcome this. #datascience #impostorsyndrome #impostor

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Jessica Jan 28, 2022 1770 views

What is the most frustrating part of a data scientist's job?

#datascience #data

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Jessica Oct 07, 2021 1159 views

What does an average day look like for a data scientist?

Hi! My name is Jessica. I would like to get a sense of the daily routine of a data scientist to see if this is what I want to do in the future. Thank you! #data-science

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Jessica Sep 17, 2021 6799 views

What are some extracurricular activities if I want to be a data scientist?

I’m a senior and I was wondering what I should be doing or consider doing in high school or outside of school so that it would get me ready for data science. What are some resources that can help? #data-science