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Moncks Corner, South Carolina
2 Questions
66 Karma

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Alay'la’s Avatar
Alay'la Oct 08, 2021 1279 views

What type of soft and hard skills would be best to work on to become a veterinarain?

I am very friendly and outgoing and those are some of my strongest skills.But I want to know what other skills would be better to have going into veterinary sciene, meaning what skills I should improve on. #college #hardskills #softskills

Alay'la’s Avatar
Alay'la Oct 08, 2021 822 views

What is the day to day life like of aquatic veterinarain? What do you do? What types of task are you given ? Is it similar to being regular veterinarain, what's different? what's similar?

I am Alay'la Brimage, I go to Cane Bay Highschool. I'm interested in becoming a marine/aquatic veterinarian. I just want to get more information about what it is like, how do you get there, is it fun etc. I like to sing, I love animals, and I really would enjoy helping them. #veterinary...