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Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3 Questions
196 Karma

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harshitha May 11, 2016 1320 views

Is there any jobs for Chartered accountants in DELL ?

i am studying 2nd PUC, i wanted to do chartered accountant, i like to be part of DELL, so is there any job opportunities for Chartered accountants
i can approach in future for DELL #accounting #job-search #accountant #employment #job-market #business-law #job-fairs #account

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harshitha May 11, 2016 1511 views

when is the best time to take chartered Account exam? (its after 2nd PUC or after completion of degree)

i am studying 2nd PUC, interested in doing Chartered Account, i wanted to know when is the best time to do CA so i can finish my study fast or it is compulsory to have degree, or PUC is enough to take chartered account exam #business #accounting #mathematics #economics #accountant #statistics...

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harshitha May 07, 2016 1652 views

what are the additional skills required to do CA ?

i am studying 2nd PUC, i am interested in accounts, Maths & statistics so i wanted to do CA.
what are the additional skills required. #business #accounting #mathematics #economics #banking #statistics #business-law #income-statement