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Plano, Texas
2 Questions
91 Karma

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Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua May 09, 2016 6861 views

I want to have a business in real estate, yet I also want to be an Anesthesiologist. How can I pursue both at the same time, especially with a demanding major like neuroscience and then medical school?

I really love houses, house plans. designing, home décor, and everything that deals with homes. But i'm also interested and attracted to the medical field. I would love to do both, but feel like I may have to choose one. I love real estate more, but it would require a lot of work and it's not...

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua May 09, 2016 1085 views

Once I get a Bachelor's of Science in Neuroscience, what can I do with that degree straight out of undergraduate?

I'm going to major in Neuroscience, and I'm striving to be an Anesthesiologist in the long run; but that's a lot of schooling. I would like to know how to use my degree right off the bat to start earning income, and to gain work experience. #doctor #neuroscience #neurology #anesthesiologist...