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Dusty Stallings’s Avatar

Dusty Stallings

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Florham Park, New Jersey
2 Answers
11293 Reads
1 Karma

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Saksham’s Avatar
Saksham Sep 10, 2021 2792 views

Accounting and Marketing

I'm planning to go for double majors in Accounting and Marketing. What are your thoughts about it and is it even useful? #marketing #accounting #business

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Dec 25, 2021 8655 views

What kind of internships should I seek out as a Business-Economics Major?

Hello, I am currently a business-economics major at the University of California-Los Angeles, and I am looking for internships for the upcoming summer. Also looking to minor in accounting. As of now, I'm a bit unsure of what internships I should be looking for as I want to get internships...