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Cindy Henry’s Avatar

Cindy Henry

District Manager Levi Strauss
Management Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
3 Answers
2789 Reads
1 Karma
jeremy’s Avatar
jeremy Oct 07, 2022 1322 views

Why are you a manager?

What business are you a manager for, and what company? How did you get your position? What qualifications did you need? What are some of the biggest challenges of the position? What advice would you give to someone who wants a career as a manager?

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Apr 22, 2019 1504 views

What interview questions are most common that employers ask, more spicifically if your being interviewed for a retail job?


Deana’s Avatar
Deana Dec 07, 2016 1980 views

What does a first job represent?

I'm a high school senior looking for a part time position as my first job. Should a first job like this be focused on whatever is available, or should it connect to the career I want to pursue in the future. For context, I want to work as a macro social worker in the future, but there are few...