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Diana Sanderbeck’s Avatar

Diana Sanderbeck

Human Resources
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
San Diego, California
3 Answers
3536 Reads
41 Karma

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Rameel Zahid’s Avatar
Rameel Feb 10, 2022 1390 views

How can I excel in the Talent Acquisition department as an intern currently?

#hr #recruiting #talentacquistion #internship #human-resources

Kirsten’s Avatar
Kirsten Oct 28, 2021 1030 views

I'm currently in trade school and we're preparing interview question for facilities maintenance professionals.

What are three informational interview questions you will ask? What is it like to work in this field? Do you guys work gigs or is it more of a stable job? How long are your work hours?
#vocational-college #help #facilities-maintenance #maintenance #informational-interview #interviews

Kquevhin’s Avatar
Kquevhin Jan 21, 2022 1366 views

Do psych-related jobs in business (e.g. HR, I/O psychology, marketing) require experience in programming and data analysis?

Hello, I would like to know if you need to have experience in computer science to be eligible and be considered for such jobs, especially since it's something I don't really enjoy or have an interest in + it's one of the subjects I have the lowest grade on. If so, I might end up switching to a...