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Clovis, California
2 Questions
116 Karma

Megann’s Career Goals

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Megann’s Avatar
Megann May 10, 2016 1559 views

What should the next step in my professional career be?

I have had a job at a fast-food restaurant for two years now. I'm getting a little tired of the job and want to get a new one but am hesitant. I am planning to take summer classes at community college, so that I can get rid of more of my general ed before starting Fresno State in the fall. I am...

Megann’s Avatar
Megann May 10, 2016 1474 views

How do I make sure to put my degree to use one I graduate college?

I will be attending Fresno State in the fall, but have been taking community college classes during my senior year in high school. I plan on getting my Bachelor's degree in Busniess Administration: Human Resource Management. However, many of the people I have told my degree to have told me of...