Monica’s Career Goals
I envision myself as a highly successful Art Therapist who currently is still learning and growing in order to raise positive awareness for mental health and the benefits self expression can provide. Aspire to one day work in this field as a freelancer, online entrepreneur and/or as a business owner either in or outside of the United States.

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Could an Occupational Therapist benefit from a Social and Human Services Assistant advanced training?
I'd like to gain a masters in Occupational Therapy and my institute is able to provide advanced training in Human Services Assistant. I'd also like to expand my knowledge and experience within the field while still having something correlated to my main career path. I'm curious to know if such...

If you were to hire someone for this position, what sort of qualities would you recognize as potential for this career path?
As I've started to gain more insight about this profession I find myself resonating highly with this career. Although, I'd like to gain further insight of what it truly takes to work with people and their necessities from someone that's already had experience.