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Claremont, California
2 Questions
166 Karma

Jessica’s Career Goals

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Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 12, 2016 1795 views

Is getting a job during college beneficial or detrimental?

I was considering getting a job my freshman year of college because ive got a few bills to pay. Many people that I have talked to say that it is a bad idea as I will still be adjusting to the lifestyle and will have far too many things going on to have a job get in the way. I am still however...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 12, 2016 1431 views

What state offers the best benefits for teachers?

Here in NC the teachers are not payed well and are quickly loosing other benefits. NC is currently listed as one of the lowest states for teacher pay and I was wondering if the contenders at the top of the list are true or not. I must complete two years of teaching in NC before I can move but I...