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Clinton’s Avatar


Monee, Illinois
2 Questions
695 Karma

Clinton’s Career Goals

I want to be a nurse. Improving the lives of patients is at the core of my decision to seek a career in nursing, a career in which my compassionate and caring personality, together with my thirst for knowledge, will be fulfilled.

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Clinton’s Avatar
Clinton Jul 20, 2020 667 views

As a nurse or doctor, how would you handle a crisis, such as any pandemic outbreak?

#doctor, #nurse, #hospitals, #work-life-balance, #emergency-room, #july20

Clinton’s Avatar
Clinton Jul 20, 2020 825 views

How should nurses handle their workplace stress? As a nurse, it will be important for us to have a clear explanation of how to handle the emotionally and physically demanding aspects of our job.

During my nurse training, I attended a seminar where the speaker encouraged nurses to develop and maintain habits that support our health. He recommended finding a physical activity or hobby to pursue as a way to reduce stress. I took his advice and found a gym that offers a variety of classes,...