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Jian sheng

New York, New York
2 Questions
101 Karma

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Jian sheng’s Avatar
Jian sheng May 13, 2016 5266 views

If I want to become a psychiatrist, should I major in biology in college with the pre-med track or psychology with the pre-med track?

I want to become either a clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist. I know that to become a clinical psychologist you don't have to go to medical school but to become a psychiatrist you do have to attend medical school. Is it better for me to major in psychology or biology if I want to get into...

Jian sheng’s Avatar
Jian sheng May 13, 2016 2054 views

How long does it take me to reach my doctorate degree in psychology? Is it benefical for me to get a Psy. D in psychology or a Ph. D in psychology at the end? Should I double major biology and psychology in college to give myself an edge when applying t

I am going to attend stony brook university in the coming fall to major in psychology. My career aspiration is to become a psychologist or a psychiatrist so I can help people with mental disorders. I don't know whether or not if I should double major psychology and biology or chemistry in...