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RakitaCodman1’s Avatar
RakitaCodman1 Sep 07, 2012 1648 views

What exactly, is the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist?

i dont know whether i want to be a psychologist or psychiatrist. I want to work with married people, going through a divorce. Do both of them work with people who are going through a divorce? #psychology #psychiatry

isys’s Avatar
isys Apr 04, 2022 2083 views

What should I consider when choosing between psychology and economics??

Im unsure what major to choose or jobs to take

sanaa’s Avatar
sanaa Apr 27, 2022 985 views

When it comes to psychology/ being a psychologist what is the best way to deal with other people's emotional baggage, or not letting what they tell you effect you personally

Personally I think It's harder to connect with someone without somewhat sympathizing with what they're saying; it takes a massive toll on my own emotional state and I want to get better at not letting that happen