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New York, New York
5 Questions
376 Karma

andrea’s Career Goals

I plan to be a EMT / phycologists



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andrea May 18, 2022 1283 views

EMT: how difficult was it to work in a moving environment?

when traveling in an ambulance I know there can be bumps and other obstacles in the road literally and figuratively so I'm just wondering the process of getting familiar with working in that environment .

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andrea May 18, 2022 635 views

How long did it take to officially become an EMT?

after exams and field hours

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andrea May 18, 2022 3084 views

What was the hardest part of training to be an EMT?

both physically and mentally

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andrea May 17, 2022 920 views

EMT: what is the hardest part of being an EMT?

doesn't have to be experience it can also be the exam

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andrea May 17, 2022 614 views


When becoming an EMT was a fitness routine necessary in order to keep up with the work ?