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Tyneir Bethea, NCIDQ, LEED AP’s Avatar

Tyneir Bethea, NCIDQ, LEED AP

Commercial Interior Designer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Baltimore, Maryland
2 Answers
1652 Reads
11 Karma

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aaron’s Avatar
aaron Jan 22, 2018 901 views

yo so like i want to be an interior decorator. how would i start my career

I've always been passionate about home decor. so much so that sometimes when i go to IKEA i rearrange the home models into something a little more "fung suei". i feel as if i could make a lot of homes FABULOUS and help a lot of people bring some culture into their homes, but i have no idea...

Melanie’s Avatar
Melanie Jan 16, 2018 766 views

How easy is it to get hired in the interior design world?

#interiordesigning #interior-design