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Stephanie Terrero’s Avatar

Stephanie Terrero

Director, Producer, Actor
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
4 Answers
2200 Reads
2 Karma

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sanaa’s Avatar
sanaa Apr 29, 2022 498 views

When it comes to acting or wanting to be on Broadway, what is the best way not to get discourage with failed attempts at making the part you really wanted?

In all of my years of schooling- especially with performing arts- the rejection wasn't terrible or I would get the role I wanted; how would I deal with that especially since it's something I'm not entirely familiar with

Monica’s Avatar
Monica Apr 08, 2022 1021 views

Where can I find jobs in music video production, particularly on set? I am looking for an entry level job, production based. Are there any job sites or production companies in the NYC area?

I looked through showbiz jobs, entertainment careers, google jobs, and linkedin and I cant seem to find jobs related to music video production.

Voc’s Avatar
Voc Feb 23, 2022 452 views

What steps do I need to be an actor?


Maxton’s Avatar
Maxton Apr 27, 2022 584 views

A few questions about starting directorial work...

1. How do I get into any position of a media production?
2. How do I rise to a high enough level to ask for a directing job?
3. Who do I ask?
4. Once/If given the job, where do I start?
5. Once/If give the job, what are my priorities?