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Hartford, Connecticut
2 Questions
71 Karma

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Drakena’s Avatar
Drakena May 16, 2016 1044 views

Are Children Really Our Future?

I live in an area that is not so great. Hartford,CT. And lately many of the grade schools are closing down, due to lack of funding, or bad keeping up with. This same year they plan on opening up a multi million dollar minor league baseball field which is causing a frenzy with parents in the...

Drakena’s Avatar
Drakena May 16, 2016 1287 views

With Communication Mediums Changing So Rapidly, Do You Believe College Will Be Needed In A Centruy From Now?

I am a communication studies major and I am aware on how fast websites like social media and blogs come and go in this time of age. They all have some affect on our lifestyles. Now that college is becoming so expensive and they are not giving out as much financial aid as they used to. Are...