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Glendo, Wyoming
6 Questions
461 Karma

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Holly’s Avatar
Holly May 25, 2016 2271 views

Which types of degrees for aviation/piloting are available?

Is it better to get an Associate or Bachelor's degree in aviation/piloting? #college #aviation #airline-industry #pilot #commercial-pilot #flight-instruction

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Holly May 22, 2016 19141 views

What classes should I take in high school that would help me in becoming a professional pilot?

One website told me to take computer applications, mechanics, and physical education. #aviation #airline-industry #pilot #high-school-classes #commercial-pilot #flight-instruction #flight-school

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Holly May 22, 2016 3089 views

What are my chances for getting a job at an airline if I go the civilain route/flight school?

I'm wanting to know if I would have a better chance in getting a job for an airline if I go the military route? #aviation #airline-industry #pilot #air-force #commercial-pilot

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Holly May 19, 2016 1533 views

What are your main responsibilities as a flight engineer?

What do flight engineers do? #aviation #pilot #commercial-pilot #flight-engineer

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Holly May 17, 2016 1488 views

How outgoing do you have to be to be a pilot?

I can talk easily with anyone, but overall I'm not a social person. Will I need to be a super outgoing person or just have good communication skills in order to be a pilot? #aviation #pilot #commercial-pilot #flight-instruction

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Holly May 17, 2016 3168 views

What's the lowest and the highest annual income a professional pilot can earn?

I am thinking about becoming a commercial pilot and would like to know how much I may make if I do go into aviation. #aviation #airline-industry #pilot #commercial-pilot