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Jake Bender’s Avatar

Jake Bender

Product Manager
Sales and Related Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
New York, New York
2 Answers
2806 Reads
41 Karma

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Humberto’s Avatar
Humberto Jul 11, 2022 1474 views

Is getting MBA post-grad worth it? Bentley University

I am currently a consulting intern at a Big 4 company and was wondering if getting my MBA degree soon after my Bachelors degree is worth it? I have spoken with so many successful professionals in the firm without one and do not see the ROI being so high. I am currently on an accelerated MBA at...

Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve Jul 26, 2022 1407 views

Are all MBA programs the same?

Do they cover the same topics, or do some programs specialize in one particular area( e.g. economics, accounting, etc.)