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Dennis’s Avatar


Fresno, California
4 Questions
191 Karma

Dennis’ Career Goals

My goal is to finish my trade school within a year and a half and get into the Electrical field, preferably to focus on gaining the skills, experience and knowledge required to become a journeyman electrician.

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Dennis Aug 10, 2022 569 views

Overhead power line construction

Whats the most challenging part of the job on a daily basis?
Mental chalenges or physical?

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Dennis Aug 04, 2022 1033 views

Any advice for Starting an electrical apprenticeship right out of trade school?

Im currently attending trade school working on building my foundation and i would really appriciate any feedback or information on getting into the electrical field. Thanks in advance!

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Dennis Jul 29, 2022 682 views

What are some things to expect when starting my path to become a lineman.?

Is there any tips or advice, and whats the job like on a daily basis. High voltage overhead powerline construction

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Dennis Jul 27, 2022 680 views

The career field i'm asking questions about is Methane/landfill gas collection operator

1.What are 3 important things i should know about the job? ( e. g. working conditions, typical schedule, rewards and challenges for those new to the job) 2.What are some things a typical work day usually consists of? 3.What are the values your company upholds that makes them employers you...